CPI’s 11th CCH Installation Is Successfully Implemented in Ohio

Ohio State House - The capitol building in Columbus, OH

Computer Projects of Illinois (CPI) and Ohio Attorney General  (OAG) have successfully deployed the OpenFox® Criminal History Application (CHA) including CPI’s Internet Records Access Portal product (iRAP). The project replaced the legacy Ohio Criminal History database and user applications that served the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and the citizens of the Buckeye State.


The existing Ohio Computerized Criminal History (CCH) data repositories and associated Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) processing were replaced with OpenFox® products.  Just a few of the many components of the project include:


  • Hardware sizing and configuration recommendations
  • CCH database schema, data model, and tables
  • CCH data mapping and data conversion  
  • CCH Application Admin Client 
  • CCH message key and routing configurations 
  • CCH Reporting Database
  • Triple I Synchronization
  • Soundex
  • iRAP web portal for managing applicant background checks
  • iRAP web portal for managing state rapback enrollment and event notifications


This is CPI’s eleventh (11) state-level Computerized Criminal History deployment.


The OpenFox Criminal History Application is organized around a central repository that manages all the personal and identification data as well as the creation, maintenance, and dissemination of criminal history information including Arrest Events, Prosecutor Data, Dispositions, and Custody Data.


More about the OpenFox CHA: https://www.openfox.com/products/criminal-history-application/


More about OpenFox iRAP: https://www.openfox.com/products/irap/ 


